Sunday, August 23, 2015


I just had the thought that maybe some of my letters haven't made it
with the poor internet.
Whenever the internet dies I start a letter in Word and save it, then
finish it on line here are the 2 partial letters I have from this
August  17
¬¬¬¬¬Hello Everybody,
This has been another wonderful week. The work is progressing and all
is well my companion and I get along well. I’m happy and healthy as
usual. The week last week started off with the adventure of Elder
Vaai’s bike. Monday night the pedal completely snapped off. It’s an
easy fix, if you have the right tools, which unfortunately we didn’t.
Tokarerei is a super strong member that lives close to the airport so
whenever an Elder’s bike breaks he holds it for spare parts. So the
pedal broke, the next day we went to visit Tokarerei. When none of our
tools was the right size to take the pedal off to put on a new one he
said, ‘Well here’s an old bike frame, let’s just switch everything!’
So we proceeded to take everything off of his current bike to put on
to the old one. Unfortunately everything was so rusty that it made the
simple project a little more interesting. Long story short, after lots
of random tools used and parts taken off of an even older bike we got
Elder Vaai a working bicycle again. He was left with an old red bike
with a green mud guard and a chain that broke 8 miles later. I had a
blast, I miss working with tools and making things work. When the
chain broke it miraculously snapped in front of an old man’s house
with lots of tools. He had the whole thing fixed in less than 10
minutes. Potential investigator!

August 11 - With this one I sent a picture, but it took ages to load
and when it did, internet for the whole office died for the rest of
the day. Sorry no pics from here
This was another Wonderful (and wet) Week!
The internet was down yesterday, so I don't have much time today, but
I do want to share that we had a baptism last Saturday. If the Picture
works you will see Etuati's (Edward's) family. In the back there is
Edward next to me, then Wiinaba, his wife, and Miire, his Aunt. In the
front (from right to left) his children Bibi, Taokai, Max, and
Tamariti, and his neice Muamua. He is a Melchezidek Priesthood holder,
but has been inactive for the past 5-10 years. It was a long process,
but his whole family is now active and baptized. We have spent a lot
of time at their house trying to help them to come back to the Truth
and now all of his kids feel like brothers and sisters to me. When he
asked me to baptize his children I happily accepted and as I stood in
the ocean with Max I felt like it was with a little brother. He was
funny. He has never seen a baptism before, so when I put my arm to the
square to say the Prayer, he thought I was going for a high five. We
did it twice before I was able to convince him that that is how the
prayer works. His family is completed and they and I feel so much joy
because of it. I have been so blessed to be able to watch the Holy
Ghost work this great change in their lives. I know that change is
possible, for with God and with Faith ALL things can come to pass. I
love you all and wish you the best in all of your endeavors. I keep
you all in my prayers often.
Elder Morley

K I've got to go now. I love you all so much. Today we're going to go
to service Killing a dog that bites passerbys (Elder Vaai is actually
pretty talented at it). Then service at a recently reactivated
member's house. Then Dance practice, then FHE at the same person's
house. Mwaaia and Teraita. More about them later.
Love you guys both so much!
Elder Morley

(David just told his that on his authority card it says that he is coming home on Aug. 9.  When we asked him what an authority card was, he sent this email.
It is the card that says that I have the authority to be a
representative of the church. I forget the official name.
Woah, I did visit you guys while sleeping this week. I dream every
night, but I never ever remember my dreams. This week, my Friday night
I dreamed that I was in my house in America. I immediately did the
math and found that I still had 12 months left and started sobbing, I
didn't want to be home. You guys tried to feed me my favorite Kiribati
food: fish and bread fruit, but I was so distraught I didn't want to
eat. I love America, but it was another reminder that I love it here
too much to leave just yet, We'll look forward to next year!)


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